Marek Piaček

Sad Cow (2015)

electronic version

First performance

1st November 2015, Experimental_FM: Excerpts from Vinylized Vol. 5, Radio FM – radio broadcast, , performers: Marek Piaček (c) first performance



The original version of this piece, entitled Sad Cow, was composed in 1995 for piano solo and the foley sample of the sound of cows – at that time during the performance it was played on the CD player. The original music was written for the solo piano to serve as an accompaniment for that solo foley cow soundtrack. 20 years later, in 2015 the piece was completely rewritten for a very new project Vinylized No. 5. – initialized by the 4mg Records publisher Imi Vegh. This version was completely recomposed and rearranged for electronics only with the use of the great iOS software NanoStudio. And this version was published on a vinyl.

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